Monday, December 7, 2009

For fucks sake

Jesus Christ is all I can say right now.

JT just got fired, great!!

Yesterday, S stabbed M in the back with a plastic fork repeatedly saying I wanted to stab him to make holes in his skin. I called his therapist's cell phone, her voicemail said to call the Mental Health Mental Retardation ER line, I did. They said nothing we can do, he is to young and there are no beds available for evaluation. If he had seriously hurt M we would have been charged with failure to parent because we were not properly supervising our other children. So I am damned if I do and damned if I don't. Have calls into the old caseworker, his therapist, an attorney who did the adoption and a lady at post adoption services. If we are found Failure to Parent they could remove ALL the children. I am so upset.

I understand kids do stupid stuff but M was laying down on the floor sleeping.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry.

Superstar said...

Good lord. I don't know how you stay sane. And I'm still royally pissed at the lack of support you're getting from the state.

Pillow Talk said...

Hugs...all I know from my years as a caseworker is document, document, document. You are doing all you can, you've called everyone you could call. S needs to be in a therapeutic setting...that's just the bottom line, he needs to be admitted to a ther.residential care place until his behavior can be stabilized and I know you're doing what you can. They (CPS) have to see that and have to see that THAT is what S needs....we need to chat on the phone soon too!

Mom to a Fussbudget said...

Oh honey... I hope you took pictures of whatever marks were left. I'm so sorry to hear about everything... Whatever you need, whenever. Love you.

Nicole said...

I agree with documenting everything and taking pictures of any marks/bruises/cuts . . or anything of note that S does to anyone. ((((hugs))))

RyansMommy said...

Wow oh wow. I am so sorry. You dont need this. You cant be in fear of your childrens lives every day. You cant go on like this. Many many hugs.

Anonymous said...

I agree that he needs to be in inpatient or a residential facility. How can there be no services?!

When you say they could take all the kids, would that include Dash? I am SO angry on your behalf.

WTH said...

So after all my calls yesterday, not one person has called me back. Not one. So much for support.