Friday, January 1, 2010

Criteria for S

Looking for a family in the state of TX;
Must have experience with RAD;
Needs to be an open adoption;
Must be willing to pay your own adoption expenses; and
Must have a current homestudy.

JT starts new job in the 6th and the boys go back to school on the 5th

All I can say is Thank GOD!!!

So much going on.

Christmas has come and gone, it was D's first and S's last with us. S was a terror over the Holidays, thank GOD my MIL saw it first hand. We got into a tiff with my SIL and BIL because we are so mean to poor little S. Yeah after we pee'd all over house, not one but three times, threw up on my brand new carpet. S destroyed new xmas toys that belonged to his brother, he threw a fit, he was a terror. I retained a lawyer and posted S's profile on a website that helps find homes for dissolved adoptions. I also joined a support group, I have had several requests to adopt S but the situation either fell through or was not a good fit.

It will all work out, it will all work out, it will all work out...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Psychological Evaluation

We got the report back and I have to say I was pretty surprised by some it. One that the Psychologist recommended the agency help rescind the adoption. He was diagnosed with RAD but we already knew that, it was comforting to know that I am not crazy and there is really something there.

On one of his tests, he asked S to draw a picture of his family, he could not do it, he did everything but. The Dr. also asked S if he could draw or identify dh when he asked him to draw the man who bought him there, he could not do it. Odd.

He is over higher intelligence, which I knew. It's so frustrating to that he always acts like a baby to get out of things. It all makes sense now, it really does. The continual manipulation, lack of conscious.

I am hopeful the adoption will be rescinded sooner rather than later.

Monday, December 7, 2009

New job!

So when he started the job he was just fired from, he received two offers letters one from the job he was just let go from and one from another company. Today after he was let go, he went to the other company saying "when can I start?" They talked for awhile and he is starting on Jan 1. Yipppeee!!

For fucks sake

Jesus Christ is all I can say right now.

JT just got fired, great!!

Yesterday, S stabbed M in the back with a plastic fork repeatedly saying I wanted to stab him to make holes in his skin. I called his therapist's cell phone, her voicemail said to call the Mental Health Mental Retardation ER line, I did. They said nothing we can do, he is to young and there are no beds available for evaluation. If he had seriously hurt M we would have been charged with failure to parent because we were not properly supervising our other children. So I am damned if I do and damned if I don't. Have calls into the old caseworker, his therapist, an attorney who did the adoption and a lady at post adoption services. If we are found Failure to Parent they could remove ALL the children. I am so upset.

I understand kids do stupid stuff but M was laying down on the floor sleeping.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Today when he was eating his breakfast, he took the spoon and starting banging on the high chair, he then took the spoon from one hand to the other! So excited!!! I just can't believe how big he is getting.